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What does it mean "duplicated equations"?

Assume there are two equations in publication linked to one file on HDD. The first one is on page 2 and the second one is on page 10 (they both are linked to Eqn0001.eps for example). You want to edit equation, for example, on page 10. After editing you will get updated equation on page 10. But equation on page 2 is linked to the same file as edited equation (Eqn0001.eps). You didn't want to change it but got it. It's wrong.

It would be correct if all equations in publication had unique links (one equation in publication <==> one file on disk).

But how to achieve it if you really want to use copy-paste in your workflow.

MT-Script tries to help you. It can create copy of Eqn0001.eps, name it as Eqn0002.eps and relink equation on page 10 to new one.

Now the equation on page 2 is linked to Eqn0001.eps but the equation on page 10 is linked to Eqn0002.eps.

Just start "MT-Script-CS*--> Test the duplicated equations" and you will be sure that all equations have unique "personal" links. Now your editing will not affect on any other equations in publication. This command checks duplicated equations in a whole publication and you can start it manually time to time.

You want MT-Script do it every time you edit equations? Ok, no problems. Open MT-Script preferences and turn on "Swich on the checking of equations duplication". Now MT-Script will check whether editable equation has non-unique link and there is another equation with the same link. If it is need MT-Script makes unicalization and then open equation for editing.

But as you know each coin has another side. If you have a lot of equations in publication (thousands) then process of searching duplicated equations can take a lot of time. In this case the best way is command "MT-Script-CS*--> Test the duplicated equations" executable time to time with turned off "Swich on the checking of equations duplication".

Проверка дублирования формул

Unduplicate equations you can by clicking menu "MT-Script-CS*--> Test the duplicated equations" or by script MT-ClearDoubleLinks-CS6.jsx from palette Scripts.