Используемое в контенте сайта слово MathType является зарегистрированной торговой маркой компании Maths for More S.L.
The word MathType used in the website content is a registered trademark of Maths for More S.L.
Official website of the company - https://www.wiris.com. Email: info@wiris.com. Address: Roger de Flor, 223, 08025 Barcelona, Spain.

MT-Script can help you to type new MathType equation dirrectly in InDesign.

To create new equation place text pointer into text or select nothing to place it into left top corner of active page or select some text to create and place new equation instead of selection. Click menu MT-Script-CS*->Place new equation.

New equation will be created with default settings or with settings from MathType preference file if it was specified in MT-Script preferences. How can you do this?

Create MathType preference file by MathType. Open MathType, make settings of fonts, sizes and spacing. Save this settings by MathType menu command Preferences->Equation Preferences->Save to file. Now you can open in InDesign menu MT-Script-CS*->Preferences. The dialog will appear. At the bottom of it there are settings needed for creating new equations. Click on EPS or WMF to select type of file for new equation. Click on Preference file and choose MathType preference file. It will force MT-Script to create new equations according to data from the preference file.

Click on Clear Pref. to remove information about preference file from MT-Script preferences. It becomes undecleared. All new equations will be created with MathType factory settings.

Please, don't create new equations with factory settings because of possible problems with fonts.

create and place new MathType equations into InDesign publication

Wrapping and leading of new equations will be set according to parameters from global MT-Script preferences (see picture above).

There are two different variants.

1. Your publication doesn't contain any equations. New equation will be created using settings from global MT-Script preferences. File name will be Eqn0001 (four digits). File extention is from global settings as well. It will be saved into folder MT-NewEquations near the file of InDesign publication.

2. You publication has MathType equations. They are in one folder and are named according to the template Eqn#### (# - digits). New equation will be created using settings from global MT-Script preferences. File extention is from global settings as well. File name is according to the template with the number following the maximum number of existing equations. For example, the maximum number of file name is 023 (Eqn023.eps) then new equation will be named as Eqn024.eps (or wmf - depends on global settings).

The maximum number of file name is 000524 (Eqn000524.eps) then new equation will be named as Eqn000525.eps (or wmf - depends on global settings).

Please, using MT-Script always choose file name template with a safety margin of digits. Don't use template with less then 4 numbers in file name. It will prevent a lot of possible problems.