Buy MT-Script MathType equations in InDesign
Используемое в контенте сайта слово MathType является зарегистрированной торговой маркой компании Maths for More S.L.
The word MathType used in the website content is a registered trademark of Maths for More S.L.
Official website of the company - Email: Address: Roger de Flor, 223, 08025 Barcelona, Spain.
MT-Script works ONLY on PC.
To work with MT-Script you MUST HAVE InDesign and MATHTYPE installed on your computer!
MT-Script can be used with all versions of InDesign from CS3 and till last ones CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022, CC2023, CC2024, CC2025, CC2026, CC2027 and so on.
Please, install MT-Script-CC for using with InDesign СС2017, СС2018, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022, CC2023, CC2024, CC2025, CC2026, CC2027
ONE serial number (one license) allows to register MT-Script ONLY on ONE COMPUTER! with possibility to use it on no more then two hardwares.
If you wish to register MT-Script on two, three and so on computers you must buy two, three and so on licenses.
ONE serial number allows to register MT-Script on ONE computer.
Each version of MT-Script demands appropriate serial number.
For example, you can use a serial number like this MTS6-0000-0000-ABC1 only for registration of MT-Script-CS6. But MT-Script-CS6 is only for use with Adobe InDesign CS6.
And MTS9-0000-0000-ABC1 is only for MT-Script-CS9 suitable for InDesign CC only.
ONE serial number costs 35 USD or 35 Euro.
The payment is available with:
1. WebMoney to my WMZ purse in USD --- Z107044027906
2. use this link ( to do payment by any VISA or MASTERCARD from any country in some clicks. PLEASE, read the manual about a payment in PDF first AND after the payment, please, write to me what version of MT-Script you need by email: or by WhatsApp: +7-928-622-87-04. Thank you.